
West Prep Centre

Guidelines and Policies

While it is expected that the policies outlined below will be followed by all parents, it is recognized that, in very rare circumstances, it might be necessary for exceptions to be made. Application for an exception should be discussed with the Supervisor/Assistant Supervisor and then made to the Board in writing using the form available from the Supervisor/Assistant Supervisor. The Board will consider the request confidentially and provide the decision and feedback in writing to the parent.

We hope that you and your children have a great time at West Prep Children’s Centre. Please do not hesitate to speak with one of the staff or a Board member if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.

Hours of Operation

WPCC is open from Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 

Pick-up & Drop-off

As part of the “Safe Arrival Program” parents are required to accompany ALL children into their childcare centre at the screening station entrance, as required by C.C.E.Y.A.

All children must be escorted into and out of the Centre by someone twelve (12) years of age or older.

Children will be allowed to leave the Centre with authorized persons only (Authorized persons included on official form filled out by parent).   If someone other than the parent is to pick up your child, the staff must be notified (in writing or by phone call) in advance.

Photo identification will be required to validate the authorized person.

If for some reason a child is going to be picked up much earlier or later than usual, parents are asked to advise staff in advance. Similarly, please advise staff if your expected arrival or drop off time is later than 9:30 a.m.

If a child is not picked up by 6:00 p.m. and no contact is established by 7:00 p.m. the Children’s Aid Society and Police will be notified, as required by the C.C.E.Y.A.

If a child is not picked up by 6:00 p.m. there will be a  late fee penalty .($5.oo  for the first 5 minutes and $2.oo  per minute after that)

Pick-up Penalty

The Centre closes promptly at 6:00 p.m. each evening, except for days preceding holidays where an early closing has been announced, when the closing time is 1:00 p.m.  The clock in the classroom at time of pick-up will be followed for accuracy.

A late pick-up penalty will be levied on parents who fail to arrive at and leave the Centre with their child(ren) by 6:00 p.m..  For those who pick up their child(ren) late, a late form will be issued indicating the time of the late pick-up.  This form must be signed by the parent and two (2) staff members acknowledging the late pick-up.

The late pick-up penalty will be calculated at $5.00 for any child that has not left the Centre before 6:05 p.m., and will continue to accumulate at a rate of $2.00 per minute after 6:05 p.m. until such time as the child has left the Centre. The Staff member on duty at the time is responsible for determining the penalty.

On any day when the Centre has any early closing, the late pick-up penalty will commence after 1:00 p.m.

The late pick-up penalty is to be paid to the supervisor within 24 hours of it being incurred.  Any late pick-up penalty not paid by the end of the month will be considered to be late, and late fees will apply. See the Payment of Fees section of the handbook for information regarding Payment of Fees.

Any late pick-up penalty is not considered to be part of the fees paid to the Centre for childcare, and so will not be included in the income tax receipt issued annually by the Centre.

Holidays & Closures

WPCC will be closed on all statutory holidays including; New Year’s Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Civic Day (1st Monday in August), Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

WPCC will be closed at 1:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve on years where it is mandated by TDSB calendar.

WPCC will also observe West Prep Public School closures, except during the summer sessions and Professional Development Days.

WPCC will be closed during the last week prior to Labour Day in September.   This is to facilitate WPCC staff in their annual preparation for the coming new school term and to perform maintenance and cleaning.  Advance notice with specific dates will be given to parents so alternative arrangements can be made.


Fees must be maintained during vacation periods.  Children who are withdrawn for vacation time will be required to re-register and will be put on the waiting list.    Note: Space is not guaranteed.

Excursion Policy

No child will be permitted to participate in a field trip or excursion outside the physical premises of West Prep Children’s Centre, where transportation arrangements have to be made, unless the child’s parent or guardian authorizes the child’s participation by signing a permission slip prior to the field trip or excursion. The permission slip will inform the parent or guardian of the date, time and location of the trip. It will also describe the vehicle(s) that will be used to transport the children.

The children will ride in vehicles authorized by the supervisor of the Centre (i.e. school buses). Safety seats /seat belts will be required when available for all passengers.

One person remaining at the school will be designated as the emergency contact person. That person will be told of the route to be taken by all vehicles.

For the purposes of identification, WPCC identification t-shirts, hats and/or pinnies will be worn by the child. These will identify WPCC and a telephone number of the centre.  The children will always be kept close to the teachers/volunteers on the excursion. A designated teacher participating in the excursion will have in his or her possession a list of emergency numbers of parents, Ontario Health Card numbers of the children, and medical consent forms, to effectively deal with emergencies.

On arrival at the field trip site, and also upon departure from the site, the designated teacher will telephone either the supervisor or  the designated emergency contact person, in order to indicate the time of arrival at and departure from the field trip site, and in order to provide the estimated time of arrival.

Additional adults ‑ parent volunteers and student helpers –  will be enlisted / confirmed to help with the excursion before embarking on the field trip. Our goal for outside excursions will be maintained at a minimum child / teacher ratio.

Payment of Fees

Fees are due on the 1st day of each month. Post-dated cheques are required for 6 months at a time or the year (12 complete months).

Acceptable methods of payment for fees include:

a) personal cheque

b) certified cheque

c) money-order

For safety reasons, cash will not be accepted.

Payments will be made payable to “West Prep Children’s Centre of Toronto”.      Payment of fees will be accepted by staff members or placed in the childcare office mailbox.

Any fees received after the close of business on the 1st of the month will be considered to be late.

$25 Late fee will be charged  for any fees received on the 2nd day of the month.  Late fees will continue to accrue at a rate of $5.00 daily until the full monthly fee, including any accumulated late fees, is paid.

If the childcare fees for any given month are five school days late, then your child(ren) will be excluded from the Centre until the fees, including all accumulated late fees, are paid.

If the childcare fees for any given month are ten (10) school days late (while your child is out of care), then your child(ren)’s daycare space will be withdrawn.

If your monthly fees are consistently late, the Supervisor will meet with you to discuss the situation.  A chronic problem with late fees may result in the withdrawal of your childcare space.

Any late penalties are not considered to be fees paid to the Centre for child-care, and will not be included in the income tax receipt issued annually by the Centre.

NSF cheques will be subject to a $25.00 charge plus the outstanding fee.  The NSF charge is due within forty-eight (48) hours after notice to the parent by the Supervisor.  Although written notice is preferred, verbal communication of a NSF cheque will suffice as notice from the Supervisor.

For the current fee rates, please see the fee page on this website, as well as on our bulletin board located at the Centre.  Fees are subject to change with a 30 day notice period.


When a child is receiving medication prescribed by their doctor, that child may not attend the Centre for a period of 24 hours after the course of medicine has begun.

Only the Supervisor/Assistant Supervisor may waive this 24-hour period.

The Staff of the Centre will administer medication to your child only when a note from the prescribing doctor accompanies the medication, and/or where the medication is labelled as being prescribed to the child.  No medication will be given if it has been prescribed to another member of the family.

The staff will not administer non-prescription drugs such as fever reducers, cough syrup and decongestants.

A medicine form must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian each day that the medicine must be administered by WPCC staff. Medicine will only be administered if medicine form is filled out and signed.


Children will not be accepted at the Centre if they are suffering from any illness that prevents them from fully participating in the program activities.

Children must stay at home if he/she has any illness considered to be contagious.  Some examples include BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO:

  • Chicken pox
  • Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
  • Strep throat
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever over 38 Celsius or 101 Fahrenheit
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Hand Foot and Mouth

When a child is at the Centre and the staff determine that your child is ill, then you will be contacted, and should arrange to have your child picked up from the Centre within 90 minutes.  Each parent is expected to have an emergency childcare contact person.

When a child has experienced a contagious illness, they are to be excluded from the Centre for 2 full working days after the child’s symptoms have abated. (48 hours)


a) A child is sent home from the Centre with a fever at 11am Monday will not be re-admitted to the Centre until 2 full working day after the child’s temperature has returned to normal (without requiring medication), i.e. Thursday morning at the earliest.

b) If your child has vomited in the evening on Monday, they are to be excluded from the centre until Thursday morning.

If you repeatedly contravene the Centre’s illness policy, either by not picking up an ill child within the 90-minute time frame, or by admitting an ill child to the Centre, then your childcare space may be withdrawn.  Upon first instance of this violation, a written notice will be sent to the parent/guardian indicating contravention to this policy.  Upon second violation, the Board will be notified and will deal with the situation accordingly. Refer to the Mandatory Withdrawal section of the Handbook for further information.

A doctor’s note must accompany the child’s return to the Centre if they have been ill for five (5) continuous days.  For example, if you child is sent home ill on Thursday, and has recovered and is able to return to the Centre on Tuesday, then a doctor’s note will be required.  When your child has been absent for five days you must speak with the supervisor before admitting your child to the Centre.

Children will not be accepted at WPCC if the illness prevents the child from participating in all program activities.  Children will not be allowed to remain indoors during outdoor time, unless the child has become ill at the day care.

UDATE REGARDING COVID-19 AND OTHER VARIANTS- please be aware that TPH has provided us with policies and procedures that must be followed by the centre- see link below COVID-19 Guidance: Child Care Centres – City of Toronto

Head Lice

If your child is identified as having head lice, you will be notified, and your child must be removed from the Centre within 90 minutes.  You are responsible to have your child treated, and ensure that all lice and nits are removed from your child’s hair.

The supervisor must check children returning to the Centre after treatment, and if their condition is clear, then they will be readmitted to the Centre.  If the Supervisor/Assistant Supervisor determines that the child is not cleared of lice and nits, then the child must return home and be re-treated.

Special Medical Conditions

If your child has a medical condition (i.e., asthma, epilepsy, serious allergy) or develops such a condition after starting at the Centre, you must inform the Supervisor/Assistant Supervisor in writing of all details pertaining to your child’s physical well being. A written doctor’s note must accompany this information.

The Supervisor/Assistant Supervisor will provide you with additional information and documents that must be provided to the Centre. A special Medical Illness form and Individual Plan for your child will be implemented for your child.


If your child has an accident it will be recorded on an accident form ‑ stating the particulars and signed by the teacher involved. You will also be required to sign to the form when you pick-up your child to acknowledge that you have been informed of the circumstances of the accident. You may feel free to refer to the form any time and the childcare staff will make every effort to notify or discuss the occurrence with you.

Serious emergencies will be taken to the closest hospital and parents notified as soon as possible. The Supervisor/Assistant Supervisor will record the occurrence. The parents are responsible for all expenses incurred by an emergency trip.

It is important to keep your child’s file up to date and to keep the centre informed of any changes in writing ‑ e.g. home, work and alternate contact phone numbers.

Food Policy-

NO OUTSIDE FOOD IS PERMITTED  (Exception for Kindergarten and School Age Lunches to be eaten at school)

WPCC is a peanut/nut free environment. However, recognizing the possibility of trace elements, WPCC will adopt the food policy as dictated by West Prep Public School. This Food Policy may be viewed by contacting the School directly at 416-393-1633.

Children in Toddler and Preschool programs will be provided with a hot nutritious lunch and two substantial snacks daily, one morning and one afternoon.

Children in Kindergarten and School age will be offered a nutritious morning and afternoon snack.

The morning snack should not be considered as breakfast.

Parents should ensure that the child has had breakfast before arriving at the centre in the morning. The snacks will consist of foods that will promote good dental health.

Food and drink will be stored, prepared and served in a manner that retains maximum nutritious value and prevents contamination.

Planned menus for the current and following week will be posted on the kitchen notice board. The menus will be rotated on a 4 week period. Copies made available, please ask us to provide you with a copy if you wish.

Meal times should be a pleasant relaxed experience and a social time for the children. Discussion about the day’s activities or foods being served occur. Children are encouraged to try everything that is served at each meal. Menus are posted on the bulletin board.

If a child has allergies or has other food restrictions/ requirements, please notify the staff in writing so that arrangements may be made concerning meals.  A doctor’s note is required for any allergies/food restrictions. A list shall be posted in both the cooking and serving areas that sets out the names of the children enrolled who have food allergies and their respective allergies.

It is our policy not to allow candies and sweets. We request that you do not send these with your child. If the child brings these to the childcare, we will take the treats and return them when the child goes home. Special arrangements for religious observances are encouraged and may be made with staff.

Birthdays and Celebrations

Many children in the Centre have various types of food allergies.  To ensure the safety and well being of all children, we will no longer allow birthday or holiday treats at the centre.  Food allergies vary from child to child.  It is safer not to allow food into the centre for any occasion.

Celebratory items such as stickers or pencils are acceptable (please keep in mind the number of children in your child’s classroom).

Policy on Employees Children

Teachers and employees of WPCC may utilize the centre for their own childcare needs provided the centre can accommodate placement of the employee in a position where they do not work directly in the classroom the child attends.

Voluntary Withdrawal Policy

One month’s written notice must be given for withdrawal. Please note: this does not mean a four week notice, but a full calendar month’s notice. For example, if the date you no longer require our care is June 10th and you want to withdraw effective that date, your notice needs to be in by May 9th. All post-dated cheques will be returned upon withdrawal.

Mandatory Withdrawal Policy

West Prep Children’s Centre has developed a withdrawal policy for the safety of all children enrolled in our programs. We feel that withdrawal of a child will be a last resort for any situation that may arise.


If a situation becomes serious due to behavioral issues of either the child or the parent, the parents of the child will be asked to come in and meet with the Supervisor and a member from our Board of Directors. At this meeting all possibilities will be discussed regarding the behaviour and any changes, concerns, needs and interests in questions.

If any outside resources are needed, the Supervisor and/or Board member will research the possibilities. If an outside agency needs to become involved, the parents will be requested to fill out the appropriate forms and/or make the initial call.

Staff meetings will be set up to inform involved staff. At this point we will let them know how to help manage the situation. Parents will be informed daily of the situation whether in writing or verbally.

After all of the steps have been taken and no change is made, and/or we are not receiving parental involvement, then West Prep Children’s Centre will ask for the child to be removed from the site immediately with no refund being given for that current month. All other post-dated cheques will be returned.

Removal of Child from WPCC

The Board of Directors of WPCC recognizes that a child’s enrollment is of great significance to both the child and his or her family. The supervising staff are committed to keeping parents informed about any conditions which may arise. The importance of uninterrupted child care arrangements cannot be overemphasized.

For that reason, a child will not be removed from WPCC without discussion with parents and the following guidelines will be adhered to:

If the Supervisor determines that a child cannot adjust to the program, or that the child’s parents have not complied with their obligations under the WPCC Parent Contract or the policies of WPCC, the Supervisor must report the matter to another member of the Board. If the board member views the matter as sufficiently important, he or she may call for an emergency meeting of the Board of Directors by means of conference telephone call, without advance notice, to deal with the Supervisor’s report.

Upon the recommendation of the Supervisor, the Board of Directors may elect, in its sole discretion, to remove the child from WPCC.

If at all possible, the Board of Directors shall not exercise its discretion to remove a child from WPCC unless the child has been assessed by a qualified medical practitioner or a child care specialist certified by Toronto Children’s Services, or any other official representative of the Ministry with parent’s consent. (A Release of Information Authorization Form signed by the parent or guardian of the child will authorize the child to be assessed in these circumstances.) The Board of Directors will welcome and carefully consider the recommendations of such an individual.

If the Board of Directors elects to remove a child from WPCC, it will, wherever possible, provide the parents of the child with two weeks’ notice of the removal, in writing. All outstanding post‑dated cheques will be returned.

Temporary Removal of Child from WPCC

The Supervisor/Assistant Supervisor may determine, in his or her sole discretion, that it would be in the best interests of WPCC or the child concerned, for a child to be removed from WPCC for up to three days, at no cost to the parent. The Supervisor may exercise this discretion if he or she reasonably believes that the continued attendance of the child would be detrimental to the child, or to the staff or other children of WPCC. The parents of the child will be given 24 hours notice (when possible) of such removal. This notice will be in writing. The Supervisor must provide the Board of Directors with a report regarding this incident at the next following meeting of the Board of Directors.

Emergency Accommodation Policy

In the event of an emergency situation which makes the designated rooms temporarily unavailable, notices will be posted regarding the room change. In the event of an emergency situation which makes the entire premises at WPCC site unavailable, the children will be evacuated to an alternate location.

Parent Behaviour

Any demonstration by parents or guardians of physical or verbal abuse at West Prep Children’s Centre (or at any other location with the WPCC or children) will result in a written warning, stating that a second episode may result in the immediate expulsion of the child from WPCC. When parents are at WPCC, we would ask that they abide by the Parent Code of Conduct/Behaviour Management Policy. The cooperation of parents in this matter will allow the disciplinary actions taken with all children on the premises to be consistent

Behaviour Management Policy

Our policy is based on providing positive direction to the children. This offers an excellent framework that children can rely upon to meet the challenges they encounter throughout the day. Alternatives promote children’s self‑esteem and give a feeling of self‑direction. We expect our staff to use a positive approach when disciplining children. When discipline has to be taken, often removal from the situation, or redirection for the child, gives him/her time to calm down. Discussion then can occur so that the child can gain some understanding about what has happened.

The following is unacceptable:

  • No form of corporal punishment will be allowed at ANYTIME!!! (hitting, spanking, grabbing, kicking, squeezing, pushing, pulling, shaking, pinching. biting, etc.)
  • No deliberate, harsh or degrading measures are to be used to humiliate a child or undermine a child’s self‑respect.
  • A child must not be deprived of basic needs, including food, shelter, clothing or bedding.

Children must not be confined or locked in any room. If a child must be removed from the other children, an adult must stay with him/her.

Policy Violations

If a situation becomes serious due to Handbook policy violations, Mandatory Withdrawal Policy will apply. Handbook policy violations include non-payment of fees, health violations, repeated late pick-ups, repeated late payment of fees, and any other issues, as determined by the Supervisor/Assistant Supervisor and the Board of Directors.

If we are not receiving parental cooperation, then West Prep Children’s Centre will ask that the child be removed from the site immediately with no refund being given for that current month. All post-dated cheques will be returned.

Waiting list Policy

At any time when the Centre is full, a waiting list will be kept on file. Within each category of enrolment (see below) priority will be given to those who have been on the waiting list the longest.

Priority of Enrollment

Enrollment will be offered on the following priority basis:

  • Children enrolled advancing to another age group.
  • Children of WPCC employees.
  • Children of WPPS employees.
  • Siblings of children enrolled.
  • Community – children living in the community (as defined by the WPPS catchment area).
  • Non-community – children living outside the community.

Please note that:

A child in the daycare (K-grade 6) must also attend WPPS.

Priority of enrollment policy is reviewed annually, or as required, with consideration to (a) and (b) below:

(a) Whether the school has opened or closed boundaries in relationship to school enrollment.

(b) Whether a West Prep Children’s Centre student has withdrawn from West Prep Public School.

Where there are two children of employees of WPCC & WPPS on the waiting list, the child who is a sibling of a child already enrolled in WPCC shall be given preference.

Child Abuse Policy

In compliance with the Child and Family Services Act 1984, any staff member of West Prep Children’s Centre, who believes on reasonable grounds that a child is or may be in need of protection shall report the belief and information upon which it is based to the Children’s Aid Society.

For the purposes of child protection, “the child” is a person who is under sixteen years of age.

A child is “in need of protection” where, a child has suffered physical harm, the child has been sexually molested or sexually exploited, the child requires medical treatment and the child’s parent does not provide or refuses to consent to the treatment the child has suffered emotional harm demonstrated by severe anxiety, depression, withdrawal or self-destructive or aggressive behaviour and the child’s parent does not provide or refuses to consent to treatment to remedy the harm.