
Our curriculum fosters social skills, knowledge and understanding of similarities and differences between people through storytelling, singing, music, games, foods, field trips, holidays, and special events. All activities are designed to suit the children’s individual needs and interests.

Where possible, our educational materials, books, toys, and curriculum, promote anti‑stereotypes. Teachers gain understanding and knowledge by developing class profiles that outline each child’s family background. From these profiles, it is our intent to maintain a childcare calendar with all the major holidays from the different cultures of WPCC. The calendar will be updated and posted, and will be highlighted in newsletters to share with everyone as each holiday month arrives.

Staff plan programs on a weekly basis with specific themes and goals for each week. Overall themes such as seasons, shapes, careers, self ‑concept etc. are developed through arts and crafts, circles, stories and music. Staff meet on a regular basis to review the program making sure it meets the needs of individual children. We also assess our programs on an ongoing basis to ensure they meet the culturally varied needs of the children in the program. West Prep Children’s Centre’s program planning is racially sensitive and non‑discriminatory. Toys and equipment are rotated on a monthly basis to provide new material for the children to work with.

All staff feel that outside play is a very important and necessary part of development. The children are outside at least for 1 hour each in the morning and afternoon (weather permitting).

Once a child is enrolled at WPCC, the Supervisor/Assistant Supervisor will make every effort to accommodate the child for future years where term renewals are requested by the parent. Parents will be notified of term renewals by July in any given year. Once a child has been enrolled, he or she will have priority for renewals.

Toddler Program (18 months -2.5 years)

The main emphasis in the toddler program is to:

  • encourage the child’s feeling of competence by giving them the opportunities to experiment and problem solve and enhance independence and self help skills
  • encourage development of positive social skills
  • encourage and develop self esteem
  • develop the child’s language, encouraging communication through positive interactions

Pre-school Room   (2.5-4 years)

The main emphasis in the preschool program is to:

  • provide the children with a rich, interesting environment that they can explore with all their senses
  • encouraging self esteem and enhance independence and self help skills
  • encouraging the development of positive social skills
  • foster a sense of autonomy by ensuring flexibility and choice number and letter recognition

Full Day Kindergarten Program  (4-5 years)

The kindergarten program provides opportunities for growth in five areas of learning:

  • personal and social development
  • language
  • mathematics
  • science and technology
  • the arts

Also encouraging self esteem, encouraging the development of positive social skills, printing and writing skills, number and letter recognition, fostering social skills and fostering a sense of autonomy by ensuring flexibility and choice.

School-Age Room (6-12 years)

The main emphasis in a school‑age program should be:

  • to provide the children with choices in their leisure activities, such as sports games, projects and social interactions with peers and adults
  • to give children the opportunity to be creative, imaginative and to feel productive to provide a supportive environment in which children can develop their skills, talents and interests

Registered Early Childhood Educators must work together to provide constructive and consistent language experiences that build confidence, encourage language development, social, physical and intellectual development. We are here to provide a stable and healthy environment for your children.